FF14 does not have raids. They are primal one hit wonder fights. If you want to experience an actual raid, Play world of warcraft, go back to WOTLK and do Ulduar and ICC FFXIV Gils.And another raid that we'll run once a week for a single piece of gear!Sweet damn, this must be what they call content.
You're not allowed to do this to me. You come and play WoW again and we'll play this. Done and done. Too late. I'll be roaming the wastelands of Boston, come nov Buy Cheap FFXIV Gil . 10th. finally more then neverreap and whatever the other one called i do not like neverreap and bloody expert what gives the most tomes like to thrown me in there hopeful with 2 new ones get a better chance of not getting it. haha i was just leveling an alt and discovered this location and went ooo new dungeon soon.
Honestly, the lack of any horizontal gear progression just makes this situation worse. Yay for something other than Neverrape (and one other dungeon) ! Wow, this is an impressive patch. Dungeons/ new gear looks awesome, love that Kirin and other mounts can now fly.. nice overall content! I'm glad someone's cool with them adding 2 dungeons (which only give Eso, which we've had since xpac)
A "raid" (that drops ilvl200 gear, which we've had since the xpac)
"Updated" Flying mounts (we've had since xpac)
But hey, at least we get that Afro we've always wanted.