
upcoming Rumble in the Realm II community tournaments in Blade & Soul

Sign up for the upcoming Rumble in the Realm II community tournaments! please help someone changed my account i cant i cant speak to suuport HEEEEEELP !  Cerrelin will win NA this time. no1 cares about ded gaem. We're taking a sneak peek at the new Ruins of Khanda Vihar content tomorrow at 4PM PST on www.twitch.tv/bladeandsoul! Blade and Soul Gold  help. i got banned today for *selling* the thing is i havent sell anything its so WTF pls help :/ i put money on this and now what?? grrr.

Greetings, If you think your account has been banned wrongly and you would like to appeal your ban, please send an email directly to appeal@ncsoft.com. They will then review this ban. i did it, but im afraid they might take *days* before giving an answer, i want my account back now >.< im really upset... i want my money back!!! we are players, we are cashers and we get *banned wrongly* srly? i thought it was something serious. i wonder how many ppl has lost their account the same way as me...

i wish the answer from support were that quick as on FB site. they usually answer after 1 day or so from the sending time. why is that funny and also why u say that bullsht, Cheap Blade and Soul Gold im not a bot.  fix the game, i really don't care much about expansions, i haven't experienced the whole game since every time i play it crashes. Just play ff15 instead. fix the game, i really don't care much about expansions, i haven't experienced the whole game since every time i play it crashes.

 i would like to have better ping more than updates tbh pvp and even end game pve dungeons are so hard when your ping goes up to 200+. Two (big) towers - check.A big mountain/volcano at the background - check.An ominous pillar of light - check.Yep it's Blade of The Rings. Please do something, my accoutng got hacked, i sent an e-mail but i have no responses. this is a 24 person dungeon and it is a LOT harder than other dungeons.and probably another 4/6 person dungeon will come together.



Learn about the lyrics and meaning behind "Equilibrium," the theme for Sophia, the Goddess from the Developers' Blog! A meracydian family torn apart by war against the Allagans and Sophia's brand of "justice" and "balance": after the father is slain in battle by the Allagans ("A torn uniform in hand, farewells unsaid"), the mother becomes abusive ("Forsaken, beaten, tried, on her knees") and, at Sophia's request, the daughter murders the mother to restore the imbalance created by her father's death FFXIV Gil ("The heart seeketh equilibrium / With balance will your worry part"), and then commits suicide, punishing herself for murder and leaving their home empty and forgotten ("And therewith shoulder thee / One last step only leaving / An empty hearth down by the sea").

Hence the lyrics that shows of a situation of war between the Meracydian nation and the Allagan Empire sophia was created by faith simply used only to repel the empire. most of the lyrics to describe a simple family involved in the war its tragic and also for sophia who was only used for destruction.

Heard it straight from Koji at fan fest and it instantly became my favorite primal theme. I love that he shared the story this time when he said he normally deliberately keeps it ambiguous. Buy FFXIV Gil I hope he does again in the future. I remember hearing it straight from him too from fanfest. Same ! I already loved the song but hearing the story at fanfest made me love it even more.  Something like Equilibrium serves to remind us just how DARK AND HOPELESS the world of Eorzea is, despite some of the lightheartedness you see throughout the scenario.

One of my favourite songs in Heavensward for me, probably fighting for the favourite spot with Ravana's theme, especially the first phase.Soundtrack is one of my main reasons looking forward to Stormblood!