
The Aion Tiki Bar is back

The Tiki Bar is back! Pick up cocktails from our Bartenders and chip away Ice Blocks with Ice Picks. Ice Blocks and Ice Picks can be found in Bags of Ice dropped by instance bosses.

Follow the link for full event details: http://www.ssegold.com/news/aions-2015-summer-block-party-is-back.html

Aion Gold

Another cash shop event. All of the events now are designed to get people to spend money on the cash shop. Little to no effort is being put into doing anything to improve the game including banning hackers.  yea you just keep telling yourself that, and don't forget it snows in July in Mississippi also. It doesn't snow in July in Mississippi. Jesus, you didn't need to be a b*tch about it.  It's called sarcasm and yes I did. I am tired of people making false claims about the game. Aion's useless block party.

This update of Summer Block Party lasts till August 19, so don’t miss out! Buy enough Aion Kinah for good armors and items right now at ssegold as you can get one free from one, refer to Big promotion: Big promotion: Aion kinah US “Buy one get one free”!! Was there since beta. Last time I logged LFG was dead, except for the interns selling kinah, so apparently I'm not the only one. man i stopped playing this game in 2013.... i wonder what's changed.

