I want a tote bag in every color x2 now! I saw cactar lottery and for a second thought we were getting a gold saucer update. You need to be shipping your online store stuff to australia. Cause i would live to buy it. When are we getting info on the upcoming Patch. I'm eager to continue the main story. Wow! Those soundtracks are EXPENSIVE! They are Bluray discs buy FFXIV gil
FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Benchmark
Score: 7777 Extremely High
1920x1080 High (Laptop) DirectX9 Full Screen
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
A new Developers’ Blog entry was posted! Read “Escape Reality, Live the Fantasy" to explore a special part of the in-game event, The Rising! Where's Koji's desk or is it to full of lore books? The Rising event was amazing...thank you! Lol let me get that SMN horn! Hey. BLM needs a few fixes. Crafting needs to be fixed.
But nevermind that. Here's some asshole sitting at a desk. Vocal minority are the loudest, and the most annoying:( Yea, if the majority of crafters and BLM mains say something's broken, just ignore them because they're a minority. Yes, they should spend every waking moment laboring over this game. I play BLM as my main and the only thing I'd like to see is maybe 3 seconds added to the fire and ice buff duration. I simply love how the blm plays. Git Gud wink表情符 instead of pure Fix this and that you idiots, how about you write them some proper constructed feedback that they can actually use?