Logan Charles Marble I don't speak korean, so I hope they can translate and address my sugestions to them : T Exactly!, and hey, if they gonna give summoners only a single summon, at least make it look awesome and badass!, not like such childish cat xD True true. I would love to see just more than 2 elements fire and ice . FM should have water, wind, earth and lightning elements xD :pp Lol 2 elements are already hard enough to master Blade and Soul Buy Gold . Good luck with more..
After all these years waiting for this game in NA it is nearly here thanks Blade & Soul. is there a way to change server after create character ? There are no character server transfers. Yes there is. But there is one requirement: having a Master's pack. You'll need two slots to pull this out: delete your character and use the 5 minutes before actual deletion to start recreating the character in the server you want to go to. As soon as the "(1)" [which refers to the number of characters you have in a given server] goes away, finish the creation and you're good to go.
Blade and soul vs Leage of legends . so I say that is stupid that the two games face. Blade & Soul,what is minimum system requirements for the game Blade and Soul Gold? ok,thanks. I use Win7, but with 2GB RAM (my old pc), will have problems, cuz for Win7 the game want 3GB RAM... I guess it will run pretty good if you lower the settings a bit. I knew it! Grats to all of u and Hyung-Tae Kim for his wonderful master piece art he make for us! Will there be a warlock class, please respond Blade & Soul.