That and the crafting is unbalanced, 3 out of 6 professions actually matter and you have to keep bugging other people or make a alt to get a profession to work.I played a bunch of MMO's and the crafting in this game is just flat out weird.
So yea in short Crafting is unbalanced and Wardrobe space should be for all.While still selling swimsuits or school uniform outfits for cash,,,, HELL weapon skins to cheap Blade & Soul Gold make a axe look like a giant loli pop.
All crafts matter, because without them you won't be able to craft better stuff from the clan. I really don't want to bitch about it but I have to, for the last 4 days I have being unable to start the game, can you guys please fix this game?, I mean, I really like the game, I want it to succeed, but I can't play.
Hey guys, the game needs attention. The bug report forum is filling up fast. This does not bode well for the game. The game is good and shows great promise, but without the support it is pointless. Please give the bug report forum attention then fix the game problems, or it is a waste of everyone's time.