I used 18 minutes to complete runescape Bacon Quest
Excuse me, I'll prepare a concerto for you on the world's smallest violin. Or would you prefer the entire tiny orchestra? It's not supposed to be the best familiar in the game, it comes from a level 14 quest. And the items are so easy to get. lol... And it's gold charm summon. It's not only the beast of burden that suck's. All of them has a 18 minute timer, even those at level 44 and 84. They had a great opportunity to fill the gap for a BoB with 24 inventory space at level ~80-84, yet they fail us with a DIY bad copy of a tortoise. The War pig and Prayer restoration pigs are as bad as the BoB one. Look on the forums, I'm not the only one "wanting an orchestra". Plus, you need level 44/84 construction, crafting and summoning to access to buy runescape accounts the "better" version of the pigs. 84 construction and crafting for crap upgrades that aren't even worth it. This "upgradable" content is dead on release. jagex i beg for some bacon!
being 99 summoning, i don't care about tortoises in general, but the prayer restoration pig interests me even with my power. i can summon ghasts but i don't because it's robbery, it's very nice to have a realistic alternative! For all those asking, requirements are: Member, 14 summoning, Runescape accounts sell crafting, construction. the only thing I needed in RS; BACON! Wow runescape really grasping at straws after destroying the game huh. That expression on the pig's face, haha There should be a Runescape Updates NUKE ! This isn't relevant... But... Fire Giants... They're not aggressive any more?!?!?!?!
I won't be doing the quest anytime soon, but when I do. I shall make pork of it! I'll have a bacon of a time
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