
Monsters Can't Escape Me Anywhere

Name: Monsters Can't Escape Me Anywhere
Description: Defeat one monster in the dungeon that is assigned to you as a slayer assignment. sell runescape accounts
Levels required to complete: N/A
Other content required (if known): N/A

That's all the random things I can think of so far.

asy task
Name: Tier up
Description: Upgrade any tier of your ring to tier 2 (or 5?)
Levels required to complete: N/A
Other content required (if known): Tokens rs accounts for sale
Elite task
Name: Many eyes
Description: Kill a Soulgazer
Levels required to complete: 99 slayer and 59 Dungeon
Other content required (if known): X
Hard task (or medium?)
Name: Implings attack
Description: catch any impling in Al Kharid resource dungeon
Levels required to complete: 75 Dungeoneering. Hunter pevel

