
We want RS in 2011 actually. We dont want Classic Runescape that was the start of RS, in 99.

Why should i? Fix up on your game first then come and message me through Facebook when everything is fixed then i will think about playing your game. I want old Rs rs3 sucks. U will probly lose a 5 yr member very very soon. ey Phil today i took on the demon flash mob boss by buy runescape accounts my self and i had to run to bank 3x but i got his health to 75k, just one more bank run and i would of killed him.. he was at seers' village by the yew trees, i need one more or even 2 more ppl and yea it was fun as hell!!! ty guyz for making that boss in the future i think i might be the one that first solo him and killed him. Runescape accounts selling ty

runescape was so much better befor eoc i dnt mind the new system but its taking me 12 hrs to figure all of it out. i also heard 20k ppl quit rs and its bs i lost alot of friends in my clan that will never play again....u guys should think about that...... I'm liking this RS3. A black screen with a loading % on the top left is way better than EOC! HTML5 is still in beta.. this is Java NIS. Quit for the second time... That in itself makes me think you're Runescape accounts for sale probably not going to.

I have played RS for around 8 years now and after seeing today's update RS3....I am quitting!!!!! It is NOT the type of game I want to play....put it back you morons, you have ruined it for most all of us!! Why DOES HTML5 HAVE TO RUN OFF OF JAVA?!?!?!? THE POINT OF HTML5 IS TO GET BETTER LOOKING AND BETTER PERFORMANCE BY ELIMINATING JAVA!!!

