Pocket Gamer has given Heavenstrike Rivals its coveted Gold Award!
"Utterly essential for CCG and strategy fans, Heavenstrike Rivals is your new favourite free to play game." layed hardcore collector 4x and did not get any cheap FFXIV Gil core. just how low is the drop rate? or do they even drop? you know that it's not easy to defeat 3 hell bosses right? well probably easy if you know their pattern but... ok at least I know that they will drop FFXIV Gil someday... eventually......
Is there any mobile game that have to pay for airtime? It's all free isn't it? Please make it compatible with my Australian Thomson Tablet PC. Model Number: QM734-8G. It is running Android 4.2.2. so when is the next Act coming out. Like the end of Act 2 left a cliffhanger and i want to know what happens next.. I am finding I cannot promote any of my characters in the game - do you have to progress to a certain point for this to work or is the game just shafting me?