
UK pricing for the heavensward in FFXIV

Wow total con here on the UK pricing!!
I'd have loved to have shown support and grabbed the CE like I do with other games I love, but when you are blatantly ripping us off and asking for an extra 50% nah...not falling for that one.

 I'm pretty sure a large part of it is due to higher taxes which offsets the currency weight slightly. Not sure how much that accounts for though.

 Look at it as... Game £60, last art book was £40, two mounts (Sleipnir was £10), other in game goodies (£2 each on Mogstation atm), Dragon and collectors box cheap FFXIV gil. Yeah the pricing doesnt add up, but given the choice to buy it individually is very different.

 I was expecting £80, maybe £100 at a push lol. But I work hard, and I dont treat myself that often, lol, so this can make up for the year haha.I was expecting 80-90 think that's why I'm annoyed too it's like 50% more Than I foolishly expected! But aww well digi CE will do for me!

