
should i use controller of keyboard to play FFXIV

Can't Decide if I want to use Controller or Keyboard/Mouse...

    I mean, Keyboard/Mouse is so great and perfect at everything, y'know? It just feels so much more fluid to me and easier to use. Reaction times are so much quicker, navigating menus is a breeze, socializing with friends is 50000% simpler, but while leveling up I noticed something...

    Hand-over quests with a controller is the best thing since sliced bread.

    Decisions, decisions, my friends...FFXIV gil

Ask yourself: How often do you hand over a quest? And how many time to you spend with menus, talking to friends, reacting to certain things...? I've ever only played with mouse&keyboard so I cant really jusge about controller... but if you're only reason are quests to turn in... phew... its not as if this game would be about turning in quests all the time in the end...

