

Should give us x2 EXP BONUS THIS WEEKEND :C I wanna hit 70 on my knight but i'm behind schedule. How long did it take you to hit 70 Brandin Corbett. Knight released on Tuesday last weekbuy FFXIV gil so roughly 9 days. So, I have a suggestion to stop gold spammers when the full game gets released. Why not implement gold as a buyable option? Not too large a sum of course, and you can put a limit to how much gold FFXIV gil a day/week can be bought. It would help people if they have problems with gold and they wouldnt have to do it illegally. It can also help drive off gold spammers and we can have a less flooded server and global chat. Just a suggestion no h8.

 I think the problem with that is that it turns the game into a Pay to Win game.They already implement this in CDNF and it is very successful.  Its already practically a pay to win game. The higher the level the better the reward but it loses its purpose if you just buy everything on your level70 or so character and transfer it to a lower level. Gives you a great advantage and thats good and all because you earned it but for people fresh to the game or people that dont want to grind for hours if they dont have the time it should be an option. Could fix a ton of problems.Actually, it's not a pay-to-win game, especially since we don't need to pay any real life money to "win" at anything in the game. It's more of a "want" than a "need".

That's not to say I disagree with the idea of paying Cera for Gold on occasion. If Neople implements that kind of system, it'd be very handy. But there would have to be a major limit to make sure it doesn't get abused.

