Yeah, the item upgrades your safe TO copper, not from copper to the next grade. It was most likely intended for new characters made for the level challenge, since the Danjin coin event ended in OBT1. Knight is fun DFO Gold. I don't know if I'll have the drive to get Base Knight to 51 for the level up challenge though. Only thing I'm slightly annoyed by is that Dragon Teardrops aren't account bound. I mean I have a stack of like 20+ tears on my Knight and the weapon is on my Spitfire.It's nice that I don't have to spend gold on weapons for Spitfire now considering I need to sink a ton of gold into awakening.
can someone help me? i deleted my dragon weapon character and now i cannot participate in the event with my other one... Well, now when I try to login to my own account is says it's incorrect even though I changed the password buy Dungeon Fighter Gold . So now my gf can play while I'm stuck watching. Fix this please.
Temporary avatars are wack. Yes, I know that you can use points to make them permanent. Yes, I know that previous versions of DFO had temp avatars as well. They are still wack. Neople you need to fix the //setcharacter command cause i have gotten stuck 4 times with my knight. one cost me a whole dungeons worth of stuff. to those who play elven knight, be careful of that one lunge ability, cant think of what its called, that you get around lvl 30 cause ive gotten stuck with it 3 times and lost fatigue points.