
Neople wants loyal supportive players

DFO is one of largest MMO's on the planet. The Korean,Japanese and Chinese versions all seem to be doing fine. Many loyal die hard fans have been waiting for this game to come back. It's now Global. So losing some bitchy players is not to bad DFO Gold. Neople wants loyal supportive players. The game sells itself. Neople should not have to bend over backwards and change things because of the few whining players. Either play the game or leave.

You just forget tiny little detail, EU and USA isn't Korea, Japan or China. And why not? At the end of the day, we're all human.

Neople didn't shoot themselves in the foot, they removed the cancerous growth (everyone complaining who wouldn't leave).

FP is fine. Man up and play or quit. It's that simple.  "Many" is a very arbitrary count. There are also many people who are just fine with the FP system...they were when they played DFO back in the day, and they are now buy Dungeon Fighter Gold . So, if you mean the jackasses that ruin my play time complaining on the megaphones about FP, making racists and rape jokes, and generally being idiots, then they can leave and I'll be glad to see them gone. There are also "many people" who will continue to buy DFO Gold play. Particularly adults with jobs who can't burn through their FP on all their characters on a daily basis - you know the ones who will actually spend money in the cash shop.

