Anthony Anthonito Jefferson the mileage was reset, they said it.
Richard Schultz I'm not whining. I'm just wondering what happened and when we can play. Look like Neople fixing lost items, rerolling things, we come back tomorrow and its beautiful outside and enjoy while it lasts DFO gold ... it's taking a bit longer than I expected... Making sure all your updates are working is important, I look forward to playing again once everything is stabilized.
I hope we will got something in return tongue emoticon. It's not going to be opened to all cheap dfo gold levels. Lower levels have increased drop rates, and equipment drops are no longer random, as they're boxes in which you choose what you want. Kevin It's to prevent a large amount of bots from overloading the AH with bloated prices.
If you can't even deal with something as trivial as that, then nobody even\ wants you here in the first place. equips for pre-30s drop like flies though, theres even a whole quest chain that gets you geared up. Furthermore it only takes 2-3 days to get to lvl 30 anyways if u follow the quests o_O. One, noob doesn't fit here. Two, yeah 2-3 days probably not much for you however, for someone who works 6 days a week. Good luck. No actually I don't. I don't have time like that. Like I said, I work 6 days a week, It... doesn't take that long to hit level 30, though. If you have at least an hour of free time to play a game, that'd be in two days at the very least.
If you really can't dedicate the time for DFO because of work, then I'd say this game isn't for you. Level 30 is a small goal ,if you can't handle that you won't enjoy it for very long.