I don't mind waiting in Queue to get on the game, but boot me off, and then push my spot 30 ppl back? that's kinda rough for a welcome back to the game... If u wanna bitch bout server lag why u get early access buy FFXIV Gil in 1st place ? If u bitch bout support why u even play this game still ^^' if u dont like something dont do it its not like someone force u to play it or buy it ^^' or even pay mothly fee smile.so small advice grow up o/. Keep getting, " The lobby server connection has encountered an error" 2002. What is the problem???? I dont care what ppl gonna say expansion is great even tho its laggy its not as bad as in 2.0 huge improvement and not many companys does that, so thanks SEnix for one of the best games ive played in my entire life.
Is this where we start buy FFXIV Gil talking about reimbursement or not yet? Because that's my favorite part. Nice, i really cant wait to play this.. Have to wait for 2days. That almost looks as cool as the original Rain of Death. Not quite, though. First I lose a whole day cause of shitty maintenance now I can't log on. Paying $15 a month for this. That picture is your lvl 3 LB. Omg..Scholar has its own ;-; omg and bards is something cool! Any plans to make less human looking races in the future? Seems like they're all just slightly different body types with attachments. Never played the game before, what is the best starting class that's good for me and helpful to other team mates so I can do good in dungeons. Only type of dungeon game i have played is NeverWinter.
Gee sure wish i could log in to play the beta. Haha not like I've been trying all day ^.^ thanks square enix for fucking over paid members. You should have been prepared for this and added more room with the patch...