
DFO Ranked PvP

I believe at this time, we are still on the 'Fair Arena' PvP Season. I don't expect us to have Ranked PvP until we get whatever Arena Season this patch is in.. Dean, I don't know what gave you the impression that I actually enjoy League cheap DFO Gold. I don't. But you cannot deny the fact that League has the most popular streaming community right now. Hundreds of thousands of people watch it every day. I only brought up the comparison because of this, and if we want to even be able to HOPE to match this, we need our own system of Ranked PVP, which already DOES exist in other versions. Having a decent streaming community will do nothing but help this game succeed.

Plus, this game just has an awesome Ranked PVP system. I much prefer queueing up for a battle than having to try to find a room in Practice Arena currently.

Ranked Pvp will happen in time. Everything has its time and place. Just wait. Can't wait for ranked to come along, so excited to fight my way to get my ex-Fair arena weapons back (Gonna take a long time though...haha).  still they are focusing to much one group of people, even pve servers starting to get empty people are losing interest, pvp was huge when nexon was running before, i knew tons of people that barely did pve, they enjoyed facing people instead beating on monsters. Just to be sure, to get the $5...both need to be fulfilled? As in need a character to be level 85 buy DFO gold and the shares be more than 10,000, or is it you can get $5 for each event completed?  It's a set of one.
For more strategies of Dungeon Fighter Online, just keep an eye on my update!
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