
complaint about aion developer

the developers in Japan are never going to see this comment posted on the English fan page. The developers in Japan very much see what English people write probably not on a Facebook page but on reddit and their forums very much so.  Given what is on Reddit and their primary forums I don't think they care. These are simple things that could implement Aion Kinah buuuuut they won't. It felt good to rant though. Just sounds like you are too lazy to live with those things.

^It's not laziness it's streamlining features and sensible adjustments that would make otherwise simple tasks less tedious. Most people, somewhere around 98%, would rather spend more time enjoying a game versus fighting with clunky mechanics, unnecessary limitations, and annoying distractions - Gil spammers. There is a universal benefit to all of these changes so if they ever go into effect, while you are generally what I view as an asshat in real life - and more than likely the game - you can spend more time being an asshat enjoying a game in real life and being an asshat in game. You are welcome. Now in the future, shut up when grown folks are talking. Yeah all i heard was "I'm too fuckin lazy"

please scroll up and see the reply to Martin because it also applies to you.  They need to add an armory chest for crafter/gatherer, would help make some space the c doesn't prove nothing imo, most female characters are boys anyway. The Gender Distribution doesn't pretend to prove anything beyond the Gender Distribution of created characters buy Aion Gold.Sometimes a window is just a window. I thought it was going off of accounts, not characters.

Thus the term MMORPG = Many Man Online Role Play as Girl. It doesn't prove "anything" if the only thing you're looking to prove is the real-life genders of the players. It actually says a lot about what in-game gender is preferred by players in different regions. I found it pretty interesting how different it was between the US and EU. Even if we make the (false) assumption that only men play this game, the graph still tells you that more men in the US play as male characters than female ones, and it's the opposite in Europe.

