
dungeon fighter online story

Hello, this is In Lee, the CEO of Neople.
Today I’d like to tell my story. I’m neither special nor exceptional person; just like many of you, I’m just someone who really likes to play games. As a friend to friend, and to be a bit closer to every one of you, I’d like to share my story.<My childhood and game>... On a more serious note, this post really inspired me, and many others.

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I've wanted to be a book author for a few years now, but I'm always slacking off on it, mainly due to hesitation and fear of failing. It also doesn't help that I got other things distracting me.I need to overcome it all and get my ass back to work buy DFO gold.I've already got my first book mostly finished, and the second book is roughly halfway done. I already have the 3rd book in mind too, but that's going to have to wait until the first 2 are done.

Thanks to that story though, I'm determined to get back to work on my books and try to finish them. It's going to take a lot of time and effort, but I know that I can do it as long as I put my mind to it. Thanks for the likes, y'all. kiki emoticon.Once I finish the book(s) and get it all copyrighted, I'll be sure to send y'all a "preview" of my book(s). grin emoticon.

